Removing barriers so talented women can seek public office. 


about us

Women need a seat at the table


Colorado BlueFlower Fund is a small donor committee which gives you the opportunity to empower women candidates with a contribution of just $50 a year. Since its inception in 2005, the Fund has given nearly $120,000 to female candidates running for state and local office in Colorado.

Too often the inability to fund a viable campaign creates a barrier for talented women to seek public office. 

By combining your $50 check with those of like-minded supporters, the Fund can strategically target key local races. For women running for the state legislature or statewide offices, we can donate ten times the amount an individual can give.



It's all about the money.


Making a difference, $50 at a time

Fifty dollars may not seem like much, but when we pool our resources, we become a real force for progressive change in Colorado. 

Learn how Colorado BlueFlower Fund makes all our voices louder→

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Breaking down barriers

Our community of thousands of progressive Coloradans from around the state are committed to helping elect pro-choice, Democratic women to positions ranging from school board to the state legislature. 

Read more about Colorado BlueFlower Fund's impact→